Eddy Cue Net Worth - Wiki, Age, Weight and Height, Relationships, Family, and More

Eddy Cue
Full name: Eddy Cue
Birthday: October 23, 1964
Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Zodiac Sign:
Category/Profession: ,
Net Worth: $200 Million

Eddy Cue is an American tech mogul and the Senior Vice President of Services at Apple, Inc. Born in October 23, 1964, he has gained acclaim from his part in revolutionizing the way people interact with technology on a daily basis. With a net worth of $200 million dollars, he has achieved tremendous success that many dream to acquire.

This article will explore how Eddy Cue became one of the most influential figures in the industry and uncover what it takes to reach this level of success, as well as understanding his unique story that reshaped today’s technological world we live in. You won't want to miss this exclusive look into what makes Eddy Cue such an accomplished innovator!

Eddy Cue photo

Where Is Eddy Cue From and Where Was Eddy Cue Born

Eddy Cue, a Senior Vice President of Services, was born in Miami, Florida on October 23rd 1964. Now 57 years old and still going strong, Eddy is renowned for his sharp business acumen and knack for problem-solving.

A true renaissance man with an incredible wealth of knowledge across many different disciplines, Eddy also serves as Apple’s Senior Vice President of Internet Software and Services. Since 2013 he has maintained the distinction of being one of the most powerful figures in Silicon Valley.

Living a life surrounded by intellectual giants and enjoying some pretty major successes along the way, Eddy Cue has definitely earned his place among the stars as one of America's fashionably elite tech icons!

How Old is Eddy Cue? Eddy Cue Age and Birthday Info

Eddy Cue is 58 years old. Born in Miami, Florida on October 23, 1964, Eddy Cue is a senior vice president at Services and one of the most influential figures in the world of technology.

Now entering his late 50s, he has worked as an executive for Apple since 1989, rising through the ranks to become a powerhouse decision-maker in Cupertino and beyond. With almost three decades worth of experience navigating Silicon Valley's tech landscape - from iTunes to Siri - it's no wonder that Cue has become widely respected within and outside of the industry.

He remains both an innovator and connector within tech circles but also a visionary who looks to the future for how technology can further empower our lives while giving back. From regular appearances at conferences to striving for better accessibility features in Apple products; Cue’s legacy will undoubtedly continue to evolve over time as he works towards even greater heights from this firm foundation.

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What is Eddy Cue’s Zodiac Sign

Eddy Cue is a Scorpio, born on October 23, 1964. For a Senior Vice President in Services, this zodiac sign suggests an ambitious and disciplined persona that serves him well in his professional life.

Eddy has the determination to succeed no matter the obstacles, but can also be intense and guarded--qualities that make for effective leadership skills. As a creative innovator with a passion for problem-solving, he seeks solutions out of any challenging situation.

His strength as a leader lies in showing emotion blended with intelligence; something which makes him super relatable yet highly respected within his industry network. And despite demonstrating extreme dedication towards his career goals, Eddy Cue still manages to remain humble and grounded.

This Scorpio is certainly an impressive individual!

Eddy Cue Net Worth and Earnings

Eddy Cue has a net worth of $200 Million as of May 24, 2023. At the age of 58, he is Senior Vice President of Services at Apple Inc., one of the world’s most prominent and influential companies.

As such, this talented businessman enjoys an illustrious career and an impressive level of financial success. It's no surprise that Cue's wealth is a thing of legend: his deft leadership capabilities have seen him rise to the very top in the corporate world for over two decades.

From his innovative approach to services and technology development to pioneering countless successful initiatives, it’s no secret why he earns every penny! His hard-working attitude has certainly served him well; he’s living proof that with determination comes great reward!

Eddy Cue Nationality and Ethnicity

Eddy Cue is an American of both nationality and ethnicity. His success in the world of business has brought him to his current role as Senior Vice President, Services, a remarkable accomplishment for a man from a humble background.

Despite this challenge, he managed to overcome any obstacles and become one of the most successful executives in the industry. His dedication to his work ethic and hard-working values were rooted in his parents' culture who are believed to have distant Italian origins; values which further pushed him towards success and gave him strength through tough times.

It is likely that without these powerful cultural ties, Eddy would not have been able finish such fruitful endeavors today!

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Eddy Cue Body Measurements

Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Eye color: No Data
Hair color: No Data
Hair style: No Data
Waist size: No Data
Hips: No Data
Feet size: No Data
Have tattoo: No Data
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