Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo Net Worth - Wiki, Age, Weight and Height, Relationships, Family, and More

Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo has been one of Spain's most influential businessmen for decades. Born in 1958, the executive president of Ferrovial achieved success that would be the envy of any entrepreneur, with a net worth estimated at $1.7 billion dollars.

From humble beginnings as a civil engineer to his current position at the helm of one of Europe’s largest transportation operators, Rafael is truly an inspiration for anyone looking to reach their dreams and make it big in this world. Read on to discover the story behind Rafael’s astonishing success, and learn why he is more than just another billionaire – but rather a symbol for greatness!

Where Is Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo From and Where Was Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo Born

Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo is the executive president of Ferrovial and was born in Madrid, Spain on July 14, 1958. He is an innovator who has worked hard to take Ferrovial to the forefront of its sector.

Del Pino is a daring risk taker whose relentless passion for progress drives his work with the organization he leads. The oldest son of Rafael del Pino y Moreno, founder of Ferrovial, he began working for the company in 1983 and rose through the ranks due to his creativity, determination and forward-thinking ideas.

In 2021, at the age of 63 years old, Del Pino reached one of his biggest accomplishments as executive president - transitioning Ferrovil from a family business to a leading multinational infrastructure company. Now 65 years old today and widely admired across various spheres within society, Rafael del Pino is uniting two generations as he unashamedly presents himself as an elder statesman yet thrills everyone around him with his bold convictions and sophisticated style.

How Old is Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo? Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo Age and Birthday Info

Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo is 64 years old. Born in Madrid, Spain on July 14, 1958, the powerful executive president of Ferrovial will turn 65 this year.

Known for his exceptional business and leadership skills, Rafael has shaped Ferrovial into one of the leading global infrastructure operators. He takes pride in running a social responsible company that sets high ethical standards while continuing to expand their services across Europe and Latin America.

His impressive success story serves as an inspiration to many rising entrepreneurs who strive for likewise contribution in this domain. Rafael begings his day down by exercising at 4 am before starting work at 7 in the morning.

A strong believer of hard work ethic and dedication, he frequently shares his journey with students during lectures or interviews inspiring young minds to achieve extraordinary feats against all odds. On his birthday each year, Rafael prefers celebrating with family in Madrid or London depending on his travel plans for the season - often enjoying dinner with close friends after hours spent admiring nature's beauty from around the world.

What is Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo’s Zodiac Sign

Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo is a Cancer, which symbolizes creativity, warmth and emotionality. As an executive president of Ferrovial he must be able to listen carefully to customers' needs and emotions, while showing understanding and empathy.

His amazing intuition allows him to make the best decisions for his company; his passion drives him to find the best solution that satisfies both parties. He is ambitious and reliable: two key qualities that have made him so successful in his career.

Besides that, Rafael's zodiac sign represents intensely loyal people with strong ties to family and friends—one more great trait that has undoubtedly helped him become one of the most respected executives in business today!

Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo Net Worth and Earnings

Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo has a net worth of approximately $1.7 billion as of May 16, 2023. The 64-year-old Spanish executive president of Ferrovial has made his mark on the business world -- and his fortune!

One of Spain's most successful businessmen and entrepreneurs, Del Pino's career at Ferrovial spans four decades. He has been instrumental in the growth and expansion of the company since joining in 1985, helping it become one of Europe’s major players in infrastructure construction and services.

In 2010 he was named Executive President, putting him at the helm to guide Ferrovial into its next stage of success. Clearly his expertise is paying off; while leading the company to success Del Pino's own wealth has grown!

Now a billionaire, Del Pino's estimated net worth is an impressive testament to his accomplishments as an executive leader. His commitment to creating strategic partnerships with key organizations have enabled numerous large scale projects across Europe – including airports, energy plants and road networks -- that are sure to benefit for generations to come.

A man who looks far into the future - Rafael Del Pino is being rewarded now more than ever for his visionary leadership style!

Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo Nationality and Ethnicity

Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo is a Spanish executive president of Ferrovial. His nationality and ethnicity are both Spanish.

Being a Spanish national has been vital in his professional career as it has enabled him to acquire an in-depth knowledge of his country's socioeconomic landscape, which he was able to use while leading Ferrovial. In addition, his ability to fluently speak the language of Spain gave him the capacity to reach out and work with all stakeholders involved with the company.

Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo's commitment to learn about and understand the diverse cultural aspects of Spain has helped him lead this prominent international company with determination and success.

Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo Body Measurements

Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Eye color: No Data
Hair color: No Data
Hair style: No Data
Waist size: No Data
Hips: No Data
Feet size: No Data
Have tattoo: No Data
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