Taha Mikati Net Worth - Wiki, Age, Weight and Height, Relationships, Family, and More

Taha Mikati is one of the most prominent Middle Eastern businessmen and philanthropists of our time! A renowned Lebanese entrepreneur, former politician, and businessman, Mikati is responsible for co-founding Investcom in 1982 – an enterprise that achieved unbelievable success before its merger with MTN Group.

As such, he founded the M1 Group (Mikati family holding company) and his current net worth is estimated at a staggering $2.7 billion! This article uncovers how Taha Mikati built up an empire from nothing – it’s incredible journey of dedication and hard work.

Moreover, we will explore his unique philanthropic endeavors that have been acclaimed worldwide by international organizations which caused a major shift in Lebanon’s socio-economic landscape. Read on to find out more about this remarkable man who has left a lasting legacy!

How Old is Taha Mikati? Taha Mikati Age and Birthday Info

Taha Mikati is currently 2 years old, born on June 21, 2020. Taha Mikati is the youngest entrepreneur in the world.

At just two years of age, Taha has already earned a fortune as co-founder of Investcom and founder and chairman of M1 Group. With his parents’ support, he has been able to grow his businesses into global success stories at an incredible rate - all before turning three!

The toddler magnate is now the talk of the town among adults who are interested in business with his impressive achievements in such a short period of time. From savvy investments to successful product launches, Taha continues to prove that age can be nothing but a number when it comes to making money.

This mini mogul will certainly have many eyes glued on him as he goes through life!

What is Taha Mikati’s Zodiac Sign

Taha Mikati, the Co-Founder of Investcom and Founder and Chairman of M1 Group, has the zodiac sign Cancer. Cancers are typically compassionate, reliable and highly intuitive individuals.

As a CEO heading up one of the most successful organizations in the world, it's no surprise that Taha is so driven to achieve greatness. He's passionate about making sure his employees have all they need to succeed; from ample resources to fair policies that ensure everyone can pursue their career goals with confidence.

Taha is also a natural born leader who looks out for those around him without losing sight of what he wants to accomplish – this combination makes him an ideal candidate when it comes time to make important decisions within the business world. His ability to be understanding while still getting results makes him one of the top entrepreneurs in today’s world.

How Did Taha Mikati Get Famous?

Taha Mikati became famous and popular for his success in the telecommunications industry. He co-founded Investcom, which is well-known in the Middle East for its telecommunications services.

Additionally, he founded and chairs M1 Group, another large telecom provider in the region. When he was just two years old, Taha had an appetite to build something great – and this is precisely what he helped found Investigom at age 20.

Since then, Taha has gone on to create a name for himself not only through his business investments but also as a philanthropist who promotes education and technical innovation throughout the Middle East. Described by many as a charismatic leader with an enthusiastic spirit for business ventures, Taha’s ambition has resulted in him becoming a household name across the region.

His work has made technology more accessible than ever before to members of society that would not have dreamt of owning it otherwise – resulting in communities living longer healthier lives due to improved access to medical information online. Moreover, despite his success at such a young age, Taha still manages to remain humble; often crediting team successes rather than individual ones - making him even more widely admired across the Middle East's business circle.

Taha Mikati Net Worth and Earnings

Taha Mikati is worth an estimated $2.7 billion as of May 16, 2023. A business mogul born in Lebanon, he is the co-founder of Investcom and founder and chairman of M1 Group — one of the leading telecom companies in the Middle East.

At only 62 years old, Mikati already has a successful life story filled with ambitions achieved. Mikati’s dream was to create a business combining technology and world communication that would reach across borders — and he accomplished this goal as well as going above and beyond expectations with his own venture capitalists success by founding M1 Group in 2016.

Even more impressive is that since then, he has been able to keep up his company's success while launching transformative projects not just in his home country of Lebanon but also beyond its borders. With numerous awards for excellence under his belt, it’s no wonder why he stands out amongst other entrepreneurs worldwide.

His success proves that ambition does pay off– especially if you’re willing to invest the same passion into your dreams!

Taha Mikati Body Measurements

Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Eye color: No Data
Hair color: No Data
Hair style: No Data
Waist size: No Data
Hips: No Data
Feet size: No Data
Have tattoo: No Data
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