Patrick Soon-Shiong Net Worth - Wiki, Age, Weight and Height, Relationships, Family, and More

Patrick Soon-Shiong
Full name: Patrick Soon-Shiong
Birthday: July 29, 1952
Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Zodiac Sign:
Category/Profession: , ,
Net Worth: $8.24 Billion

Meet Patrick Soon-Shiong, the man who’s achieved the impossible! Better known as ‘The Doctor of the Future’, this self-made American billionaire was born on July 29th 1952 and is now one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs.

With an estimated net worth of 8.24 billion dollars, Dr. Soon-Shiong made his fortune by revolutionizing healthcare technology with groundbreaking treatments for diabetes and cancer, while also investing heavily in a variety of biotechnology companies. In addition to being a renowned surgeon, researcher and businessman; he also serves as Chairman & CEO of NantWorks – a global ecosystem of data, technology, and communications companies which collaborates with top hospitals around the globe.

Take a journey with us into Patrick Soon-Shiong's incredible life story – his inspiring ascent from humble beginnings all the way to becoming one of Forbes' 400 wealthiest people in America – it'll be sure to leave you inspired!

Patrick Soon-Shiong photo

Where Is Patrick Soon-Shiong From and Where Was Patrick Soon-Shiong Born

Patrick Soon-Shiong is a renowned surgeon, researcher, and businessman from Port Elizabeth, South Africa who was born on July 29th 1952. His life’s work to revolutionize healthcare has made him one of the most powerful individuals in the world today.

After growing up in South Africa, Patrick earned an M.D. at the University of Witwatersrand and completed his internship at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town.

From there he moved to Los Angeles where he began training as a resident surgeon at USC Medical Center – going on to become professor of microsurgery at UCLA Neurosurgical Institute. Throughout his distinguished career, Patrick has devoted his time to pioneering research for cancer treatments and creating new companies that have further advanced medical technologies nationwide such as Nant Health which develops nanotechnology-based software products for improved patient care .

He currently serves as CEO of NantHealth with a net worth valuing nearly $10 billion -- all while still maintaining his mission of giving back through philanthropic efforts such as The Chan Soon-Shiong Family Foundation and The National Coalition for Health Integration which aim to provide quality healthcare access for underserved communities not only across America but around the globe.

How Old is Patrick Soon-Shiong? Patrick Soon-Shiong Age and Birthday Info

Patrick Soon-Shiong is 70 years old and was born on July 29, 1952 in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. A renowned surgeon, researcher, and businessman, he has dedicated a lifetime to improving healthcare across the globe.

Since his arrival in America at the age of 16, Patrick has made an indelible mark on the medical landscape - starting with pioneering work in developing treatments for diabetes and cancer. After earning MD and MBA degrees from UCLA in 1978 and 1979 respectively, Patrick built a successful pharmaceutical career culminating in several significant breakthroughs as both scientist and entrepreneur over subsequent decades.

In recent years he furthered his mission to revolutionize medicine through investments into technology focused on personalized healthcare, backed by academic research centers combined with innovative companies like NantHealth working together to pursue cures for diseases affecting millions around the world. At age 70 this May 19th 2023, Patrick remains driven continue pushing boundaries far beyond what many thought possible – propelling mankind ever closer towards a future without disease or suffering.

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What is Patrick Soon-Shiong’s Zodiac Sign

Patrick Soon-Shiong is a Leo, which describes him as ambitious, determined and optimistic. He’s fiercely devoted to his work as surgeon, researcher and businessman and will strive for excellence in everything he does.

He never shies away from taking risks, making decisions quickly that are usually accurate and inspired. Beneath an exceptionally confident exterior lies an unwavering commitment to improving the lives of others – be it through pioneering medical breakthroughs or launching businesses capable of creating large scale change – Patrick knows no limits when it comes achieving greatness.

And thanks to his Zodiac sign, he is a born leader who effortlessly empowers those around him with motivation that nourishes the soul; qualities essential to succeeding in all aspects of life.

How Did Patrick Soon-Shiong Get Famous?

Patrick Soon-Shiong is a 70-year-old surgeon, researcher, and businessman who became well known for his revolutionary work in the field of pharmaceuticals. His efforts have revolutionized the way disease and illness are treated worldwide, with life saving medications now accessible to those who previously couldn't afford them.

The businessman has also made several considerable investments in fields such as healthcare and tech, making him one of the most dynamic players on both fronts. Despite not having a dating history to further increase his fame, Dr. Soon-Shiong captivated the world with his genius approach that helped millions of people from all walks of life around the world become healthier.

Known for living a quiet lifestyle outside his professional sphere; Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong is an incredible example of how one person's selfless commitment can make positive changes globally, setting him up as an inspiration for future generations.

Patrick Soon-Shiong Net Worth and Earnings

Patrick Soon-Shiong's net worth is estimated to be $8.24 billion as of May 19, 2023. Beloved by the public and revered by the medical community, Patrick Soon-Shiong is an inspirational figure who worked hard to achieve his success.

After completing a degree in medicine and becoming a renowned surgeon and researcher, he shifted his focus to pharmaceuticals with great results. He has built on this legacy of excellence in creating life-saving treatments for numerous diseases, cementing himself as one of the highest earners in the world despite being 70 years old.

His career achievements are remarkable given that he found different ways of using technology to develop innovative strategies for producing pharmaceuticals at high speed and low expense - revolutionizing healthcare for countless lives around the world. He is a powerful testament to anyone looking to succeed against all odds and make their mark on history!

Patrick Soon-Shiong Nationality and Ethnicity

Patrick Soon-Shiong is an American of Chinese ethnicity. As a successful surgeon, researcher, and businessman, his nationality and ethnicity have both played a significant role in his success.

Growing up in South Africa with Chinese parents taught him invaluable entrepreneurial skills that he took to the United States with him. His unique perspective was instrumental in revolutionizing healthcare systems across the country as well as developing innovative treatments for cancer and diabetes.

The combination of cultural insights from Asia mixed with an American education has enabled him to climb high within the corporate world while still maintaining an ethical approach to business practices. From humble beginnings to becoming one of America's most notable surgeons, Patrick Soon-Shiong is proof that regardless of cultural background - success can always be achieved through hard work and dedication.

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Patrick Soon-Shiong Body Measurements

Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Eye color: No Data
Hair color: No Data
Hair style: No Data
Waist size: No Data
Hips: No Data
Feet size: No Data
Have tattoo: No Data
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