Aras Agalarov Net Worth - Wiki, Age, Weight and Height, Relationships, Family, and More

Aras Agalarov
Full name: Aras Agalarov
Birthday: November 08, 1955
Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Zodiac Sign:
Net Worth: $1.8 Billion

Aras Agalarov is a successful entrepreneur and international business magnate who has made a name for himself in the world of glamour and wealth. Born in Azerbaijan on November 8, 1955, Aras has established himself as one of the most powerful businessmen in the country with a net worth estimated at $1.8 billion.

This article takes you inside the illustrious life of Aras Agalarov – from his humble beginnings to becoming one of Russia's wealthiest people; find out how this self-made mogul achieved success against all odds! With exclusive insights into his unique approach to business and entrepreneurial drive, this piece will make you see why he deserves all his fame and fortune.

Get ready for an inspiring journey through the life and career of Aras Agalarov – it's worthy reading for anyone looking for motivation!

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Where Is Aras Agalarov From and Where Was Aras Agalarov Born

Aras Agalarov is from Baku, Azerbaijan and was born on November 8, 1955. As the holder of a string of business awards and titular roles in both his homeland and abroad, Aras has become an icon within the international business world.

He began his career as a real estate developer in Moscow before breaking into the international market with projects like the iconic Crocus City development which drew businesses from around to globe to Russia. From there it’s been a meteoric rise for Aras.

His name is now synonymous with success in many national circles due to his dedication to corporate responsibility and global outreach initiatives. Most recently he founded The Agalarov Foundation which works tirelessly to improve access to education in disadvantaged communities across Eurasia.

At 68-years old, he’s still going strong as one of Russia’s chief economic ambassadors — travel any corner of the world today and you’ll find someone who knows Aras by name!

How Old is Aras Agalarov? Aras Agalarov Age and Birthday Info

Aras Agalarov is 67 years old as of May 15th, 2023. Born in Baku, Azerbaijan on November 8th, 1955 he has been a major player and influencer in business since the repurcussions of the Soviet Union's fall.

A legend in the world of business Aras is no stranger to public recognition and appreciation for his successes - often being featured in magazines such as Forbes and Bloomberg Businessweek. His meteoric rise began with real estate investing after his studies at Moscow State Law Academy followed by successful investments into oil and gas companies along with other ventures.

Many around the world know him best for his entrepreneurial spirit that has undoubtedly changed many industries over time as his itchy fingers tend to reach far when it comes to success. Now having had an unchallenged position atop of multiple corporations for decades Aras can truly appreciate all of what life has brought him- especially now during this major milestone birthday!

Celebrate 67 years with a man who lives life king size!

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What is Aras Agalarov’s Zodiac Sign

Aras Agalarov is a Scorpio, born on November 8, 1955. As a Scorpio, Aras is passionate about business ventures and dedicated to his work.

His determination and resourcefulness allow him to come up with innovative solutions to difficult situations. He has an eye for detail when it comes to business decisions and knows how to take initiative without compromising quality.

Aras’ loyalty and dependability are highly valued by colleagues, allowing him to form strong partnerships even in turbulent times. Those qualities have helped make him one of the most successful businessmen of his generation - navigating success through countless changes over the years and staying at the top in his field since he founded Crocus Group in 1989.

Aras’ resilience has allowed the company to become one of Russia's largest investment corporations while also earning him admirers across Europe as a powerful face of Russian business culture who embodies boldness and tenacity that only a true Scorpio can bring!

How Did Aras Agalarov Get Famous?

Aras Agalarov is a Russian billionaire businessman and real estate mogul who got famous and popular through his investments and acquisitions in the construction industry. With an estimated wealth of $1.6 billion, he has established himself as one of the most successful businessmen in Russia and beyond.

Since entering the real estate industry almost 40 years ago, Aras has become renowned for his business acumen, having expanded his holdings into various sectors such as entertainment, hospitality, retail, and sports projects. His trademark skyscrapers have been featured in many major cities around Russia and even beyond it’s borders.

He is also known to be a trendsetter within the sector as some of his iconic buildings were built with sustainable materials which were regarded far ahead of their time by critics alike. His success hasn't gone unnoticed either — earning him invitations to exclusive events such as The World Economic Forum where he was awarded "The Entrepreneur Of The Year" award twice!

It's no surprise that Aras Agalarov is one of the most sought after businessmen today- making newspaper headlines with every move he takes while continuously breaking boundaries within Real Estate investment.

Aras Agalarov Net Worth and Earnings

Aras Agalarov's net worth is estimated to be around $1.8 billion as of May 15, 2023. As the 67-year-old Russian businessman shows no signs of slowing down, he has become an international icon for success and wealth in a very competitive market place.

His renowned real estate empire is renowned from Russia to North America and beyond, making him one of the foremost tycoons in the industry today. Despite his age, Mr Agalarov continues to be a trendsetter in business and finance - pioneering new ideas that consistently stand out amongst competitors.

He has had a major influence on modern business practices by highlighting sustainability, promoting diversity within businesses as well as utilizing technology to stay ahead of the game. A quick look at any major city will reveal evidence of his impressive work - from multi story commercial buildings to plush residential apartments that span across entire cities!

The acclaim surrounding Aras Agalarov doesn't seem like it will be fading anytime soon however with each project completed it only looks set grow further - both professionally and financially! With an estimated net worth continuing to rise year on year you can guarantee this powerhouse will remain at the top for many years to come!

Aras Agalarov Nationality and Ethnicity

Aras Agalarov is a businessman from Azerbaijan with Azerbaijani ethnicity. As the owner of Russia's largest real estate developed, Crocus Group, and his investment in the entertainment industry, Aras has used his nationality and culture to propel him to new heights.

His use of Azerbaijani folklore for inspiration for songs by stars like Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull shows how he’s embraced the spirit of his nationality to bridge international divides. He also actively supports charities that benefit both countries in need – including building hospitals in disadvantaged areas and supporting victims of war through donations.

Aras is an example of how cultural background can help enhance success when used correctly.

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Aras Agalarov Body Measurements

Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Eye color: No Data
Hair color: No Data
Hair style: No Data
Waist size: No Data
Hips: No Data
Feet size: No Data
Have tattoo: No Data
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