Baiju Bhatt Net Worth - Wiki, Age, Weight and Height, Relationships, Family, and More

Baiju Bhatt
Full name: Baiju Bhatt
Birthday: May 11, 1984
Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Zodiac Sign:
Net Worth: $600 Million

Baiju Bhatt is an American entrepreneur with a net worth of $600 million. Born on May 11, 1984, he has built up a fortune as the co-founder of cryptocurrency broker and digital asset exchange company, Robinhood.

Millions of people around the world have been captivated by his success story! But what's even more impressive than how much money Bhatt has made?

His journey to achieving it – from humble beginnings to becoming one of the most successful entrepreneurs in finance today. In this article, let us explore Bhatt’s inspiring life story and discover what makes him so special and why you should read up on him.

Find out what drove this self-made genius from zero to hero and hold your breath for some truly remarkable tales!

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How Old is Baiju Bhatt? Baiju Bhatt Age and Birthday Info

Answer: Baiju Bhatt is 38 years old. Baiju Bhatt is a leading entrepreneur and tech innovator who has made incredible contributions to the world of business.

Born on May 11, 1984, he celebrates his 38th birthday this month. Despite competing in a highly cutthroat industry, over the course of almost four decades, he has established himself as one of the most respected voices in business today.

His career journey began with humble beginnings as an intern at Oracle before growing to become the founder and CEO of StockX. He credits his success to his perseverance and willingness to take risks while staying humble and learning from every experience - an admirable example for any up-and-coming entrepreneur.

With such remarkable achievements thus far under his belt, there's no telling how much further Baiju will go - but we're captivated by what the future holds for him!

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What is Baiju Bhatt’s Zodiac Sign

Baiju Bhatt's zodiac sign is Taurus. This sign suggests someone who is highly ambitious and eager to make their dreams a reality.

As an entrepreneur, this means Baiju has the determination to stick with his goals come what may and see them through to success. As an artist of his own life, the bull of Taurus will never be satisfied until he sees his business reach its full potential.

With a strong focus on security,comfort and stability for himself and those around him, Baiju knows how important it is to build something strong that will last beyond him. His eye for detail ensures nothing slips through the cracks as he builds creative solutions—in both life and business—that are reliable yet innovative.

His practicality gives him insight into what works best for whom in order to take projects from concept all the way through execution. It’s no wonder why Baiju has been able to leave such an indelible mark on the entrepreneurial world, using his unique combination of creativity, hard work and dedication which show up in every project he takes on - making it certain that success awaits his future projects!

Baiju Bhatt Net Worth and Earnings

Baiju Bhatt is an internet entrepreneur and has a net worth of $600 million as of May 19, 2023. The 38-year-old has made a name for himself in the tech industry with his venture capital firm, Bessemer Venture Partners.

Not only is he responsible for some massive investments into some of the world's most successful technology companies like LinkedIn, Box, and Pinterest, but he also serves on the board of several well-known ones. On top of that, Baiju was one of the co-founders behind financial trading platform Robinhood which revolutionized how people invest.

Despite his impressive success and wealth, Baiju remains humble and philanthropic—and he continues to do what he loves: investing in innovative ideas to help fuel future growth. With an eye towards innovation and a passion for helping others succeed, this modern day mogul is setting new standards for success around the world.

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Baiju Bhatt Body Measurements

Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Eye color: No Data
Hair color: No Data
Hair style: No Data
Waist size: No Data
Hips: No Data
Feet size: No Data
Have tattoo: No Data
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