Gordon Moore Net Worth - Wiki, Age, Weight and Height, Relationships, Family, and More

Gordon Moore
Full name: Gordon Moore
Birthday: January 03, 1929
Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Zodiac Sign:
Category/Profession: , ,
Net Worth: $10.1 Billion

Meet Gordon Moore, one of the most successful business pioneers of our time. Celebrated for co-founding Intel and creating Moore's Law – an observation about technology development – he is nothing short of a revolutionary.

As his stellar career continues to reap rewards, with a current net worth estimated at $10.1 billion dollars, we take a closer look at the fascinating life of this trailblazer; laying out why you can't miss this revealing article! From humble beginnings in San Francisco to becoming Chairman Emeritus at Intel as well as receiving recognition from some of the world's most highly esteemed organisations, it is clear that Mr. Moore's unparalleled success is well earned.

So if you've been wondering exactly how he got to where he is today then make sure not to miss this eye-opening piece for all the details!

Gordon Moore photo

Where Is Gordon Moore From and Where Was Gordon Moore Born

Gordon Moore is a legendary American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist who was born in San Francisco, California on January 3, 1929. He is best known for co-founding Intel Corporation with Robert Noyce in 1968 and serving as the company's chairman emeritus.

His accomplishments are remarkable - he has been awarded numerous honorary doctorates from universities throughout the world and been presented with awards such as Japan's highest civilian honor, "The Order of the Sacred Treasure." Today Gordon Moore continues to be an inspiration to those who aspire to be entrepreneurs or innovators.

He is highly respected around the globe for his ingenuity and leadership that ushered in a new era of technological advancement in computing. As we approach 2024, a testament to Gordon Moore’s vision can especially be seen among younger generations due to the exponential growth of technology since Intel’s founding over 50 years ago.

Even at 94 years old today - now residing within Silicon Valley - he still stands as an authority figure who will continue inspiring future generations despite his many successes!

How Old is Gordon Moore? Gordon Moore Age and Birthday Info

Gordon Moore is 94 years old. Born on January 3, 1929 in San Francisco, California, Gordon Moore has revolutionized the technology industry with his amazing career as the cofounder and Chairman Emeritus of Intel.

Considered one of the greatest minds in Silicon Valley, Moore amazes those around him at 94 years old--still full-fledged and positive about life. Over nine decades have passed since his birth in 1929 but his age hasn't stopped him from inspiring others with a lifetime of innovation and success.

Throughout his life he has been credited with developing several novel products that have transformed society's relationship to technology over the last fifty years; from integrated circuits to transistors to DRAM memory chips - we owe much of our digital world today to him! It goes without saying: At 94 years old, Gordon Moore stands out as an example for us all and continues to serve as an inspiration for entrepreneurs everywhere who strive not only for success but also longevity.

He’s proven that age does not dictate capability or potential when it comes to tech industry innovators -- no matter how young or "old" you are!

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What is Gordon Moore’s Zodiac Sign

Gordon Moore's zodiac sign is Capricorn, which means he has a tendency to be reliable, hardworking, and perseverant. This fittingly describes the career of Moore as Cofounder and Chairman Emeritus of Intel, where his patience and ambition paid off to help establish the brand’s reputation in the tech industry.

With his creative problem-solving skills at Intel and passion for technological advances during his time at Fairchild Semiconductor, Gordon Moore has become an admirable figure in Silicon Valley. His secret behind success?

His intelligent determination—an undeniable trait acquired by being born under the sign of Capricorn—making him a walking role model for anyone looking into getting ahead with tenacity in their professional life. A leader whose ambition proves there are no limits when it comes to achieving your dreams from hard work and dedication!

How Did Gordon Moore Get Famous?

Gordon Moore got famous and popular for being the co-founder of Intel Corporation. Born in 1929, Gordon was an extraordinary man who combined a passion for engineering and business acumen to become a technological innovator that changed the way we use computers in our everyday lives.

With his work at Intel, he revolutionized the international computer chip market and made it available to everyone. As chairman emeritus, Gordon used his expertise and experience to teach others about how technology has helped shape our world today.

He is also credited with being able to foresee the exponential increase in computing power that still holds true today; "Moore's Law". Despite having no dating history, Gordon gained an immense following as one of Silicon Valley's most influential figures over the last few decades due to his accomplishments.

Even at 94, he continues to captivate audiences by sharing stories from his life as well as predictions for future technological advancements. "People often underestimate just how much impact one person can have," says Gordon Moore.

His inspiring words remind us of just how incredible one individual can be when they put their mind (and heart) into it!

Gordon Moore Net Worth and Earnings

Gordon Moore's Net Worth is estimated to be a whopping $10.1 billion on May 19, 2023. An impressive feat achieved by Intel Corporation’s co-founder and Chairman Emeritus, Gordon Moore at the ripe age of 94!

A true entrepreneurial success story that speaks volumes of his determination and business acumen, Mr. Moore has made quite an impact in the world of technology over the years. Starting off as a busy engineer with Fairchild Semiconductor in Silicon Valley in 1965 and eventually transitioning to become co-founder and chairman emeritus of Intel Corp., he pioneered the creation of semiconductor chips which are now ubiquitous across almost every industry today!

His prowess was so profound that it led to what is known as ‘Moore’s Law" where he predicted that processor speeds would double every year or two. In true legend status, his predictions turned out to be absolutely accurate for many years following its conception.

Kudos to Mr Gordon Moore for this visionary achievement and may we all strive for such great success!

Gordon Moore Nationality and Ethnicity

Gordon Moore is an American of American ethnicity who is the cofounder and chairman emeritus of Intel. His nationality has been instrumental to his success; many early IBM customers were from the United States, giving him access to a large market for his products and allowing him to rapidly grow Intel's business.

Moore's patriotism can be seen in the fact that he chose to stay in America despite other nations' attempts to lure him away, as well as in his support of numerous philanthropic causes within the US. He has also provided scholarships and funding for research at various universities across the country, helping countless students reach their dreams.

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Gordon Moore Body Measurements

Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Eye color: No Data
Hair color: No Data
Hair style: No Data
Waist size: No Data
Hips: No Data
Feet size: No Data
Have tattoo: No Data
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