Paul Desmarais Net Worth - Wiki, Age, Weight and Height, Relationships, Family, and More

Paul Desmarais
Full name: Paul Desmarais
Birthday: January 04, 1927
Weight: No Data
Zodiac Sign:
Category/Profession: ,
Net Worth: $4.5 Billion

A man of tremendous power and influence, Paul Desmarais is a Canadian financier and CEO of the global Power Corporation of Canada. He was born on January 4, 1927 and has achieved an estimated net worth of $4.5 billion—all made through his sharp financial acumen.

This article is about uncovering all that it takes to be as successful as this legendary magnate: from his upbringing to how he remains one of the most prominent figures today. Find out all the secrets to Paul Desmarais' success in this Vogue-style article: mind-blowing facts, exclusive interviews with family and friends, never-heard stories… Is money really the key?

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Paul Desmarais photo

Where Is Paul Desmarais From and Where Was Paul Desmarais Born

Paul Desmarais was born in Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada on January 4, 1927. As one of the most renowned financiers and businessmen in modern history, he has achieved more than most could ever dream of in his 95 years.

After getting his start in Sudbury as a secretary at an insurance agency, Mr. Desmarais went on to become CEO of the Power Corporation of Canada and founder of the Paul G. Desmarais Foundation in 1996. Today marks the 96th birthday for this living legend — a man who has weathered economic downturns and come out victorious every time with relentless perseverance and ingenuity.

He is admired across generations not only for his financial success but also for his philanthropic contributions to various causes throughout Canada and beyond; he is truly an icon whose legacy will remain long after he's gone.

How Old is Paul Desmarais? Paul Desmarais Age and Birthday Info

Paul Desmarais is 96 years old as of May 16, 2023. Born in Greater Sudbury, Ontario on January 4, 1927 to Jean-Noël and Bernadette (née Pilon) Desmarais, Paul had a hardworking upbringing.

From these humble beginnings rose one of Canada's most successful financiers and the CEO of Power Corporation of Canada. For over 70 years, Paul has been contributing to the development of our nation with great determination and innovation across a variety of industries including energy sources and communications.

His efforts have played a vital role in the economic growth experienced in modern-day Canada; something that many people can thank him for today. Despite being well into his 90s now, it is clear that Paul continues to remain at the forefront - setting an example for countless other entrepreneurs around the world who strive for success in similar paths.

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What is Paul Desmarais’s Zodiac Sign

Paul Desmarais is a Capricorn, born on January 4, 1927. As a successful financier and CEO of the Power Corporation of Canada, Paul’s zodiac sign reflects his hard-working attitude and dedication to success.

The traits associated with being a Capricorn – such as ambition and practicality – are great assets when it comes to business acumen and Paul has used them to full effect during his years at the helm of one of the world's most powerful corporations. He understands how important it is to be organized, prepared for success, and focused on reaching goals.

His knack for planning ahead allows him to consistently evaluate opportunities from every angle in order to stay ahead of the competition. Additionally, he employs his patience in order to weigh all possible outlets before making any kind of decision or investment.

Paul Desmarais is an inspiring exemplar that shows us how following your star sign can help propel you onto greater heights!

How Did Paul Desmarais Get Famous?

Paul Desmarais became famous and popular for being a renowned financier and CEO of the Power Corporation of Canada. His success in the business was such that it made him one of the most influential and important figures in Canadian history, particularly when it comes to finance.

From humble beginnings as an accountant to becoming one of Canada's biggest businessmen, Paul Desmarais has had quite the successful career. Paul Desmarais is a living legend—at 96 years old, he’s accomplished more than most can only dream about!

As CEO of the Power Corporation of Canada, his influence on the country’s ever-evolving economy stretches far beyond what anyone imagined. He continues to be a source of inspiration for budding entrepreneurs who are determined to break through industry barriers with passion and ambition.

His life motto? To never let fear stand in your way!

Throughout his career, Paul has been dedicated to giving back in any way he could–from supporting educational programs abroad to creating valuable job opportunities for many Canadians across our great nation. He always leaves his mark wherever he goes - whether it's within his industry or outside its walls - proving that age really is just a number when it comes to making an impact around you!

Paul Desmarais Net Worth and Earnings

Paul Desmarais's Net Worth is estimated to be around $4.5 billion as of May 16, 2023. With such a high net worth, Paul Desmarais is one of the most successful financiers and CEOs in Canada and has been an esteemed leader in the business world since his days at Power Corporation of Canada.

At 96 years old, he is still at the helm of major financial investments that continue to add to his immense fortune with each passing year. His personal life has mirrored his success: from lavish vacations on private yachts to mingling with royalty worldwide, Paul shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon - or letting age stop him from excelling in business ventures all over the globe.

Paul Desmarais Nationality and Ethnicity

Paul Desmarais is a Canadian of French-Canadian descent. As the CEO and financier of the Power Corporation of Canada, Paul's cultural heritage has played an important role in his success.

By drawing on the strong ethnic values that define him as a French-Canadian, from a respect for hard work to an appreciation for ambition, Paul has achieved great heights within finance and business. With his unique strengths as both a leader and strategist, it became clear early on that he was destined to be one of Canada's most successful entrepreneurs.

His bold vision continues to guide him today as he strives to reach greater peaks with Power Corporation of Canada.

Paul Desmarais Body Measurements

Height: 170 cm or 5′6″
Weight: No Data
Eye color: No Data
Hair color: No Data
Hair style: No Data
Waist size: No Data
Hips: No Data
Feet size: No Data
Have tattoo: No Data

Paul Desmarais is a Canadian financier and CEO of the Power Corporation of Canada who stands at 1.7 m (5' 7") tall. As the head of one of Canada's most successful companies, Paul understands that appearance is an integral part of his profession.

His height and weight are well proportioned – no doubt due in large part to his disciplined diet and workout routine – which gives him an air of prestige befitting a powerful business executive. His strong stance also commands respect in any boardroom or negotiation table, giving him an undeniable edge when it comes to making deals.

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