Robert Kuok Net Worth - Wiki, Age, Weight and Height, Relationships, Family, and More

Robert Kuok
Full name: Robert Kuok
Birthday: October 06, 1923
Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Zodiac Sign:
Net Worth: $15.5 Billion

Meet Robert Kuok, the enigmatic Chinese-born business baron worth an eye-watering $15.5 billion! Regarded as one of the wealthiest individuals in Asia, Kuok has become a symbol of success for millions.

This remarkable 96-year old began his journey to fame and fortune when he founded the Kuok Group back in 1948. To this day, his inspiring life story continues to captivate audiences all over the world – so why not join us on this incredible ride and discover just what makes Robert Kuok tick?

From humble beginnings to extraordinary heights, here's everything you need to know about this incredible man.

Where Is Robert Kuok From and Where Was Robert Kuok Born

Robert Kuok is a Malaysian businessperson born in Johor Bahru, Malaysia on October 6th, 1923. A true Asian success story, Robert’s humble roots have done nothing to dampen his drive and ambition and today he is one of the most influential businessmen in the world.

At the age of 100, he has achieved heights many would never dream of ranging from establishing major conglomerates to creating innovative solutions that benefit hundreds of thousands. His journey began as an apprentice at a commodities trading firm and it was here where he honed his intuition for successful investments.

He went on to create a multi-billion dollar empire through strategic acquisitions – connecting different industries with each other and optimising their operations. To many, Robert serves as an example of hard work paying off – proving that barriers can be broken at any stage in life.

From farmer’s son to international entrepreneur, his inspirational rags-to-riches story will continue to captivate generations for years to come.

How Old is Robert Kuok? Robert Kuok Age and Birthday Info

Robert Kuok is 96 years old. Born October 6, 1923 in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Robert Kuok has been a force to be reckoned with in the business world for nearly a century.

Despite having lived through numerous historic events and changes throughout his life, he remains an icon within the Malaysian business culture and beyond. His net worth of 10 billion US dollars is proof of Mr Kuok's influential status even at this mature age.

Known fondly as 'Uncle Bobby', it comes as no surprise that 96-year-old Robert Kuok continues to inspire others in pursuing their dreams of success. Having broken societal conventions from a young age, his career path has been marked by fortitude and ambition - qualities which have paid dividends over his extended lifetime.

While many aged figures would beg to rest on their laurels, instead Mr Kuok maintains an entrepreneurial spirit which propels him forward even today. It can be safely said that Robert Kuok will remain relevant within business circles internationally for many years to come - only gaining further admiration among new generations of aspiring magnates!

What is Robert Kuok’s Zodiac Sign

Robert Kuok was born on October 6, 1923, making him a Libra. As an air sign that values balance and harmony, Libras are natural diplomats with excellent communication and analytical skills – traits that make them effective businesspeople.

A well-known example of this is Robert Kuok himself; the Malaysian Chinese businessman has enjoyed great success in multiple industries over the course of his long career. Possessing a keen eye for opportunity as well as strong diplomatic abilities, he shrewdly navigates potential pitfalls while maintaining fairness at all times.

His astrological influence goes beyond the office: Robert has also focused on philanthropy throughout his life, striving to bring balance and harmony into society through charitable contributions driven by his progressive ideals. A true embodiment of Libra energy!

How Did Robert Kuok Get Famous?

Robert Kuok is a 96-year-old Malaysian businessperson who has become exceptionally famous and popular due to his extensive diversified businesses, the most prominent of which is Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts Chain. His inspiring story began almost 80 years ago in the small village of Johor, Malaysia where he saw an opportunity in commodity trading and seized it with both hands.

Over the next few decades, Robert expanded his business portfolio by investing into several industries such as sugar refining, palm oil production, shipping and hotels. Today, at 96 years old and after three generations of Kuoks leading the dynasty built by Robert himself, Shapngri-La Hotel & Resorts stands tall as one of Asia’s largest hotel chains thanks to his visionary leadership..

At Vogue Magazine we deeply admire Robert Kuok's unwavering success.

An astounding example of someone who refused to accept mediocrity no matter what stage in life they were at. His ambition pushed him from humble beginnings all the way to consolidating a successful empire that today ripples across multiple industries around Asia.

He will certainly go down in history as an inspiration for many generations to come!

Robert Kuok Net Worth and Earnings

Robert Kuok's net worth is estimated to be $15.5 billion as of May 16, 2023. At 96 years of age, the Malaysian-Chinese business mogul is one of the most influential figures in Asian and global business.

He owns a diversified portfolio of investments ranging from sugar and flour mills to media outlets and luxury hotels, most famously the Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts chain. With numerous awards and accolades conferred upon him over the course of his career, Kuok has proven himself to be an unstoppable force within the industry since first getting started in 1949 at just 23 years old.

His success story continues with no sign of slowing down any time soon; despite his advanced age he remains actively involved with all avenues of his vast business empire spanning across multiple countries.

Robert Kuok Body Measurements

Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Eye color: No Data
Hair color: No Data
Hair style: No Data
Waist size: No Data
Hips: No Data
Feet size: No Data
Have tattoo: No Data
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