Robin Li Net Worth - Wiki, Age, Weight and Height, Relationships, Family, and More

Robin Li
Full name: Robin Li
Birthday: November 17, 1968
Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Zodiac Sign:
Net Worth: $12 Billion

Meet Robin Li – an inspiring Chinese internet entrepreneur. Born on November 17th, 1968, this billionaire is the 13th-richest person in China and the 110th worldwide, with a net worth of $12 billion.

Starting from scratch at a very young age, his ability to connect the unconnected has made him one of the most ambitious and successful entrepreneurs of our time. Today, you can learn more about Robin Li’s success story.

Come take an inside look into how he turned his vision into reality and got where he is today by combining imagination and technology in ways never seen before. Who wouldn't want to know what sets this incredible man apart from all other billionaires?

Read on to discover why our magazine is proud to highlight him as "the man behind success"!

Robin Li photo

Where Is Robin Li From and Where Was Robin Li Born

Robin Li is an internet entrepreneur from Yangquan, China who was born in November 17, 1968. A tech visionary and pioneer, Li has transformed the way people interact with online technology.

Having risen to success with innovative ideas and a passion for connecting people to each other through digital platforms, he continues to push boundaries and explore the potential of how people can easily access information they need across the world. His impact reaches far beyond his home country: Li is respected globally as a leader in the field of communications technology.

From attending renowned universities abroad to founding cutting-edge search engine companies that have taken over the web—his path shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon—as he continues to make waves in today’s ever-evolving digital landscape.

How Old is Robin Li? Robin Li Age and Birthday Info

Robin Li is 54 years old. Born in Yangquan, China, on November 17, 1968, Internet Entrepreneur Robin Li has become an international success story.

His drive and ambition changed the game when he founded Baidu Inc with a vision of using technology to improve people's lives. As of May 19, 2023 -- nearly 25 years since its founding -- Baidu Inc is a global leader in innovative technology used all over the world to benefit communities large and small.

With his leadership at the helm, it’s no wonder that Robin Li has become one of the most highly sought after entrepreneurs in the industry! A true visionary who never stops pushing boundaries and striving for innovation in every aspect of life, he continues making an impact every day.

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What is Robin Li’s Zodiac Sign

Robin Li is a Scorpio, born on November 17, 1968. For an Internet Entrepreneur like Robin, being a Scorpio brings with it many advantages – they are passionate and determined in their chosen business pursuits and have the courage to take risks others may refuse out of fear.

The Scorpio's focus on success stems from their ambitious nature: They always know what they want to achieve and will stop at nothing until reaching their goals. Additionally, this sign is known for its incredible intuition for understanding technology trends; Scorpios often ride emerging waves before anyone else.

These traits enable them to find unique solutions that no one has thought of yet and tap into opportunities that can take them wherever they choose. With confidence in their own abilities and the passion to get things done right away, entrepreneurs like Robin Li are sure to be successful!

How Did Robin Li Get Famous?

Robin Li got famous and popular by founding the Chinese search engine Baidu in 2000, which has become a technological juggernaut over the past two decades. As one of China's largest high-tech companies, it has revolutionized how Chinese people access information online.

He first made his mark in 1999 when he introduced the innovative Hyperlink Analysis search algorithm for Baidu, revolutionizing web searches at a time when search technology was starting to gain traction. His career took off from there as he developed partnerships with major websites like Yahoo and Microsoft to extend Baidu’s reach around the world.

Li also went on to acquire companies such as Mobile QQ, 91 Wireless, and PPS to continue innovating in internet services. At 54 years old, Robin Li is one of China’s most influential entrepreneurs whose success story serves as an inspiration for aspiring tech leaders everywhere.

His unwavering commitment to pushing boundaries in search engine technology and creating new products has earned him numerous accolades including four honorary doctorate degrees from major universities across Asia-Pacific – evidence that his vision remains strong today!

Robin Li Net Worth and Earnings

Robin Li's net worth is estimated to be about $12 billion as of May 19, 2023. The Chinese-born entrepreneur and internet mogul has become one of the most influential figures in the technology industry today.

Thanks to his pioneering work with Baidu, China’s top search engine, Robin Li has amassed a vast fortune that extends far beyond the boundaries of his native country. His influence can be felt throughout Silicon Valley and within the global tech community, making him one of the most sought after names in innovation today.

As both a successful businessman and a well-respected leader in the technology sphere, Robin Li continues to make waves wherever he goes. From launching groundbreaking new products each year to providing inspiration for thousands of entrepreneurial hopefuls around the world, there is no doubt that his name will remain firmly anchored in history for many years to come.

Robin Li Nationality and Ethnicity

Robin Li is a Chinese internet entrepreneur born and raised in China. His nationality and ethnicity have certainly been key components to his success, as they allowed him to become familiar with the world of technology and venture capital from within.

The Chinese tech scene has had an enormous influence on the global space, making Robin Li's background extremely valuable when developing business models for emerging markets around the globe. From his culture, he gained access to networks and resources that would otherwise be unavailable which propelled him into international recognition for his passion project – search engine optimization software startup Baidu Inc.

Without any doubt, Robin Li has seen great success due to his Chinese roots, remixing traditional methods of digital media with modern culture creating innovative plans that bring people together.

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Robin Li Body Measurements

Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Eye color: No Data
Hair color: No Data
Hair style: No Data
Waist size: No Data
Hips: No Data
Feet size: No Data
Have tattoo: No Data
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