Ron Southern Net Worth - Wiki, Age, Weight and Height, Relationships, Family, and More

Ron Southern is one of the world's wealthiest billionaires, having made his fortune from Alberta-based energy and transportation industries. Born on July 25th 1930 in Canada, this self-made billionaire has revolutionized the way energy and transport are handled today.

Now, get ready to discover how Ron created a legacy that will last throughout generations by reading our exclusive article with all the glorious details about him! Read further and find out more about his fascinating journey of hard work and dedication, which has taken him to one of the top positions in international business circles.

This is a must read for anyone interested in success stories or simply curious about what lies behind extraordinary feats like Ron's…

Where Is Ron Southern From and Where Was Ron Southern Born

Ron Southern, one of the world's richest billionaires and founder of ATCO, was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on July 25th 1930. Now 93 years old, he remains a CEO and chairman of one of the most powerful companies in Canada.

His rise to power was nothing short of extraordinary. After achieving an electrical engineering degree from Montreal University in 1954 and subsequently working as an engineer for Imperial Oil Limited for two decades, Ron founded ATCO in 1962 with just $2 million dollars.

Originally aiding small business owners with communications services such as telephone lines and gas pipelines across Western Canada, his company grew into a major player that today provides resources and services all over North America. Ron is renowned for his philanthropic efforts; donating to numerous charities throughout his life including those focusing on health care provision, education reform and environmental conservation.

He is truly a modern-day success story with admirable values that leave an imprint both personally and professionally.

How Old is Ron Southern? Ron Southern Age and Birthday Info

Ron Southern, the 92-year-old groundbreaking billionaire entrepreneur born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, on July 25th 1930 celebrates his 93rd year on earth. As Canada's oldest billionaire and one of the world's richest men, Ron Southern has certainly made an impact throughout his life.

Raised by a simple farming family from small-town Alberta, he rose to become one of the country's leading entrepreneurs. He founded Atco Group in 1947 and over seven decades later it continues to be a major force in Canadian energy today.

With an estimated wealth of more than 10 billion dollars as per Forbes magazine 2020 billionaires list, Ron is truly one of the most successful tycoons around! Throughout his time building Atco group he has also been renowned for giving back to society through charitable works; he has established foundations that continue to support educational institutions and medical research across North America.

His drive for success is something that many admire and have looked up towards achieving ever since. He undoubtedly remains an inspiration as he turns 93 years old this month on July 25th!

What is Ron Southern’s Zodiac Sign

Ron Southern, born on July 25th 1930, is a Leo. Leos are renowned for their confidence and magnetism - two traits that have certainly enabled Ron to become one of the world’s richest billionaires.

Those born under the sign of Leo are strong-minded and driven individuals who have big ambitions and an urge to succeed; it may be these qualities that have led Ron to great success in business. Leos often thrive when they’re in control; something which Ron has undeniably achieved by founding several companies with his own resources.

His hard work has paid off, enabling him to reach incredible heights of wealth and fame throughout his life! As we know from his accomplishments, Leo is a determined sign; befitting the headstrong businessman's character.

The courage that this zodiac sign gives its members could also play a part in Ron Southern's impressive streak as one of the wealthiest people on Earth today!

Ron Southern Net Worth and Earnings

Ron Southern's net worth stands at a staggering $2 billion, making him one of the richest billionaires in the world. At 92 years old, Ron Southern is a true testament to hard work and determination.

Mr. Southern's first business venture started with an investment of only $500 at 24 years old – now it has grown into an empire with businesses in various countries around the world, with countless people relying on his immense success story for their own financial livelihoods. His business acumen and knowledge about developing markets make him a truly extraordinary entrepreneur and business leader; not to mention his philanthropic efforts that have provided aid to numerous organizations worldwide over the years.

His achievements are even more remarkable considering he accomplished them without attaining higher education or having any outside resources help him along the way. Mr. Southern continues to be an inspiration today and will remain so in generations to come - showing us all what can be achieved through dedication, ambition, and passion!

Ron Southern Body Measurements

Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Eye color: No Data
Hair color: No Data
Hair style: No Data
Waist size: No Data
Hips: No Data
Feet size: No Data
Have tattoo: No Data
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