Evgeny Lebedev Net Worth - Wiki, Age, Weight and Height, Relationships, Family, and More

Evgeny Lebedev
Full name: Evgeny Lebedev
Birthday: May 08, 1980
Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Zodiac Sign:
Net Worth: $300 Million

Evgeny Lebedev is a force to be reckoned with. Born in Moscow on May 8, 1980 and now holding dual citizenship of both British and Russian origins, this billionaire media mogul is the owner of the prestigious London Evening Standard newspaper as well as The Independent.

Having made his fortune through real estate investments at the tender age of 21 years old, the estimated net worth of Evgeny Lebedev has reached as high as $300 million dollars! This inspiring story makes him one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in Europe today.

Find out what it takes to achieve success like this and see how this Russian-born mogul manages two award-winning newspapers simultaneously – an accomplishment that few can lay claim to – in our exclusive interview with Evgeny Lebedev!

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Where Is Evgeny Lebedev From and Where Was Evgeny Lebedev Born

Evgeny Lebedev was born in Moscow, Russian Federation, Soviet Union on May 8, 1980. Now 43 years old, the Executive is a quintessential example of hard work paying off.

After studying economics at St. Petersburg State University and banking at Sberbank-Starting Capital Bank in Russia earlier in his career, he has most recently been managing financial investments around the world for 10 years. Evgeny's deep understanding of global markets and economies have helped him establish an impressive track record of success; his portfolio includes several multi-million dollar properties from both private and public equities to real estate holdings across four continents.

His eye for potential opportunities has made him one of the most sought after executives in the business today. But it's not all just money for Evgeny – through all this success he still finds time to pursue his passion for art collecting as well as devoting himself to humanitarian causes where he can make a difference.

He also loves travel - having visited over 50 countries – while finding solace in nature and hiking whenever possible.

How Old is Evgeny Lebedev? Evgeny Lebedev Age and Birthday Info

Evgeny Lebedev is 42 years old and his birthday is May 8, 1980. The highly talented Russian-born executive Evgeny Lebedev celebrates yet another year as he turns 42 on May 8, 2023.

Born in Moscow in the Soviet Union, this commanding leader has made a name for himself across many industries - from finance to technology. A strategic visionary, Mr. Lebedev has been hailed as a pioneer of innovation with his unique perspectives that have propelled many organizations to success over the course of his professional career.

With such fantastic achievements already under his belt, it's no wonder why professionals look up to him as an inspiring role model! As we celebrate Mr. Lebedev's life so far and what appears to be endless successes ahead, we wish him all the best for many more wonderful birthdays and fulfilling years!

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What is Evgeny Lebedev’s Zodiac Sign

Evgeny Lebedev is a Taurus, and the traits associated with this sign can be an asset for executives. Taureans are known as reliable, hardworking, and organized people who stick to their decisions and don't back down from challenges.

These qualities make them desirable leaders in any field or workplace. As a Taurean executive, Evgeny's natural gift for managing others and his commitment to seeing projects through to completion will be of great benefit when it comes to making decisions that impact not only himself but those he works with too.

His loyal attitude makes him accountable for delivering results while his passion for staying on top of details ensures accuracy and efficiency throughout the workplace. With all these characteristics combined, Evgeny has all the tools necessary to become a successful executive in addition to providing valuable insight into projects under his supervision.

Evgeny Lebedev Net Worth and Earnings

Evgeny Lebedev's Net Worth is $300 Million. With a net worth of $300 million, Evgeny Lebedev has made quite the fortune for himself as an executive, at just 42 years old.

From humble beginnings in Russia, where he was born and raised, Lebedev eventually found success in America where his ambition and skill as an executive have made him one of the most highly sought-after executives in the business world. His accomplishments are nothing to be taken lightly; he has been credited with bringing stability and growth to many businesses throughout his career.

What's even more impressive is that he managed to accumulate such wealth despite having humbler roots when compared to some of his peers. While many would find it difficult to ascend from such a background, Lebedev has proven that it can be done by utilizing hard work and dedication—and it certainly paid off for him!

Evgeny Lebedev Nationality and Ethnicity

Evgeny Lebedev is a Russian-British Executives, with his ethnicity being Russian. His diverse background has undoubtedly played a part in his success as an executive.

Being able to draw from the traditions, values, and culture of two different countries gives Evgeny an advantage when it comes to decision making on a global scale. He is able to look at issues from multiple angles which sets him apart from other executives who come from just one nationality and/or ethnicity.

Moreover, having been exposed to British culture since childhood has helped him understand the nuances of business operations outside Russia and navigate through them successfully. All these factors have contributed towards him becoming an exemplary leader in this field.

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Evgeny Lebedev Body Measurements

Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Eye color: No Data
Hair color: No Data
Hair style: No Data
Waist size: No Data
Hips: No Data
Feet size: No Data
Have tattoo: No Data
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