Saad Hariri Net Worth - Wiki, Age, Weight and Height, Relationships, Family, and More

Saad Hariri
Full name: Saad Hariri
Birthday: April 18, 1970
Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Zodiac Sign:
Net Worth: $1.9 Billion

Introducing one of the world's wealthiest billionaires and a powerful political figure, Saad Hariri. Born in 1970, this Saudi-Lebanese dual citizen is one of today's most influential people, valued at a net worth of $1.9 billion dollars according to Forbes Magazine.

But his life journey doesn't end there; from humble beginnings to executive education in Paris he has come to claim a seat at the very top with distinction. His story is remarkable and inspiring, one that tells us that success really can be achieved no matter your circumstance – what better reason than this to read on?

Saad Hariri photo

Where Is Saad Hariri From and Where Was Saad Hariri Born

Saad Hariri is from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and was born on April 18, 1970. He is renowned for being one of the richest billionaires in the world.

Born in Riyadh as a son of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri, Saad was destined to become a successful businessman. Growing up surrounded by immense wealth and power, he learned invaluable lessons in leadership and discipline from his father that have helped him reach extraordinary heights even before his 30th birthday.

With an eye for savvy business deals and strong negotiating skills that come from his lineage, Saad now has numerous investments around the world that have led to unprecedented success for himself and more opportunities to help others achieve their dreams. In short, Saad Hariri continues to be the quintessential embodiment of success — a shining example of what can be achieved with hard work and dedication.

How Old is Saad Hariri? Saad Hariri Age and Birthday Info

Saad Hariri is 53 years old. Born on April 18, 1970 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Saad Hariri was born into politics.

His father served as Lebanon's Prime Minister for three consecutive terms and his uncle has served as the President of Lebanon since 2016. As one of the richest billionaires, worth an estimated $20 billion according to Forbes, Saad Hariri now resides in Paris and continues to bring change to his homeland and beyond; from political reform in the Middle East to humanitarian aid work worldwide.

Already a seasoned statesman at the age of 53 and with a vast fortune at his fingertips, there’s no doubt he’ll continue to make headlines - whatever year it may be!

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What is Saad Hariri’s Zodiac Sign

Saad Hariri's zodiac sign is Aries. This sign is associated with being strong-willed and ambitious, which has likely served the richest billionaire well throughout his life.

Aries is known for its single-mindedness and determination, both of which have surely come in handy as Saad Hariri has ascended the ladder to become one of the world's wealthiest billionaires. His boldness has likely allowed him to focus on what he wants and take risks that most of us wouldn't dare attempt.

He probably gets bored quickly, however, so it's no surprise that he’s an avid adventure-seeker who loves the thrill of daring expeditions from climbing high mountains to exploring remote islands or deep sea discoveries. In addition to his adventuresome spirit, Saad Hariri displays a lot of courage when faced with difficult choices or unexpected obstacles along his journey - something that comes naturally to Aries people like him but would be daunting for many others!

With this courageous attitude coupled with his unwavering ambition, it’s easy to see why Saad Hariri has reached extreme success at such a young age.

How Did Saad Hariri Get Famous?

Saad Hariri is a 53-year-old Lebanese business and political figure who has become one of the world's richest billionaires. His success was built upon his family's company, Hariri Holding Group, which he led for over 20 years before delving into politics in 2016.

Saad is now at the forefront of Lebanon's fight for stability, being appointed Prime Minister three times during tumultuous times in the country. He also founded "Future TV" in 1993 and remains its Chairman until today.

Aside from his impressive business acumen and well-known leadership abilities, there are many other aspects to this dashing leader that make him so popular - aside from being a billionaire with incredible influence. From his impeccable style to his sharp intellect and philanthropic nature, it’s clear why Saad Hariri continues to remain famous both domestically and internationally.

With looks that could kill and smarts as sharp as diamonds, expect Saad Hariri’s star power to shine bright in the public eye for years to come!

Saad Hariri Net Worth and Earnings

Saad Hariri's net worth is estimated at $1.9 Billion as of May 16, 2023. The 53 year-old tycoon and former Prime Minister of Lebanon is among the richest billionaires in the world.

His success story began with a company founded by his father back in the 80s that went on to become one of the most influential political powers in Lebanon. Through sheer hard work and astute business acumen, Saad led it to unprecedented heights as well as cemented its reputation for reliability across the global market.

His uncanny ability to drive the company through financial difficulties earned him recognition from major players worldwide. In addition, his deep involvement in politics has also proven beneficial for his wealth accumulation over time and he continues to use this platform to bring about positive change in society today.

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Saad Hariri Body Measurements

Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Eye color: No Data
Hair color: No Data
Hair style: No Data
Waist size: No Data
Hips: No Data
Feet size: No Data
Have tattoo: No Data
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