Shimon Peres Net Worth - Wiki, Age, Weight and Height, Relationships, Family, and More

Shimon Peres
Full name: Shimon Peres
Birthday: August 02, 1923
Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Zodiac Sign:
Net Worth: $10 Million

Shimon Peres was one of the most influential political figures of our times. The late Israeli Prime Minister achieved extraordinary results during his lifetime, earning worldwide recognition and respect.

Born on August 2, 1923, he left behind a net worth estimated at $10 million when he passed away in 2016. In this article, we will explore his fascinating life story and the inspiring legacy that Shimon Peres leaves for us all to enjoy today.

From humble beginnings in Israel to a Nobel Peace Prize laureate – find out how this remarkable man made an indelible mark upon the world! Learn about the decisions which drove him forward as a leader and shaped modern history as we know it.

Get ready for an incredible journey through time – read on to uncover Shimon’s unique story of success!

Shimon Peres photo

Where Is Shimon Peres From and Where Was Shimon Peres Born

Shimon Peres was born on August 2, 1923 in Wiszniew, Belarus. He was an Israeli statesman who served two terms as the ninth President of Israel and won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 for his efforts to bring peace to the Middle East.

A highly influential figure in Israeli politics throughout his career, he is considered one of the founding fathers of modern Israel and a symbol of hope for many both within Israel and internationally. Often described as ‘a man of vision’, his illustrious career spans over six decades – from pioneering ideas about science and technology to signing groundbreaking peace agreements with Jordan and Palestine.

His determination for ushering in change can be seen through landmark initiatives such as the 1993 Oslo Accords which successfully led to cooperation between Israel and Palestine (at least initially). Even at 100 years old - having marked this milestone birthday just last year - reports indicate that Mr Peres still has much more work left to do before finally putting down his pen.

How Old is Shimon Peres? Shimon Peres Age and Birthday Info

Shimon Peres is 99 years old, having been born on August 2, 1923 in Wiszniew, Belarus. On May 11th 2023 Peres will celebrate his 100th birthday.

A legendary politician and statesman, Shimon Peres has had a remarkable career of service to Israel and the world at large. Born into a poor family in Wiszniew in 1923, he became heavily involved in politics from an early age and was ultimately elected as Prime Minister of Israel twice between 1984-1986 and 1995-1996 respectively; serving also as both President of Israel (2007-2014) and Foreign Minister (2001-2002).

During his tenure as Prime Minister, he helped establish the foundations for an official peace agreement with Jordan. He then went on to receive a Nobel Peace Prize jointly with Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat for their role in developing peace negotiations between Palestinians & Israelis over 1994 -1995 Oslo Accords.

A century after his birth, it is expected that friends&family around the world will gather to celebrate one of the most influential political figures this century has seen - Shimon Peres.

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What is Shimon Peres’s Zodiac Sign

Shimon Peres was born on August 2, 1923, which makes his zodiac sign Leo. Leos are known for their ambitious and determined personalities, making them perfect for the world of politics - a field in which success requires clarity of vision and commitment.

For Shimon Peres, whose life was dedicated to politics and public service from his election to the Knesset in 1959 until his death in 2016, those qualities certainly served him well. He became a leader both in Israel and throughout the world, admired for his tenacity and willingness to take bold steps towards peace and progress.

As such, he embodied much of what it means to be Leo - ambitious yet thoughtful with an unparalleled passion for achieving great things. It's no surprise that this astrological sign made such an impactful politician out of Peres!

Shimon Peres Net Worth and Earnings

Shimon Peres, the legendary Israeli politician, had an estimated net worth of $10 million at the time of his death on September 28, 2016. On this day, May 11th 2023, the legacy he left in Israel and the world still stands tall.

At 99 years old when he passed away in Septemeber 2016, Shimon Peres was one of the longest-serving politicians in history. He was one of six people who won a Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating peace between Israel and Palestine as part of the Oslo Accords.

During his career he served twice as Prime Minister, three times as Foreign Minister and many more roles across government and politics before going on to be president from 2007 until 2014. In addition to a successful political career Mr Peres' main source of wealth was derived from investments in a variety of companies such as start-ups and renewable energy companies amongst others.

With such an illustrious political career it's fitting that even after his passing Shimon Peres' influence lives on through his substantial accumulated wealth which is now being used to support various philanthropic causes around the world. A true leader whose life changed history – both economically and politically - forever remembered by future generations with honour today - May 11th 2023 - seven years after his passing.

Shimon Peres Nationality and Ethnicity

Shimon Peres was an Israeli politician of Ashkenazi Jewish ethnicity. He was born to Yitzhak and Sara Rosenberg, and his parents instilled in him the importance of academic excellence, which he carried throughout his life and career as a prominent leader in Israel.

As an ethnically Ashkenazi Jew, Peres's experiences with prejudice in Europe during WWII sparked his passion for politics and drove his mission to create a unified nation of Jews who could protect themselves from external forces. This passion molded him into one of Israel's most important politicians, helping to shape its economy, defense systems, international relations and more.

His heritage added greater meaning to what he sought out to achieve – peace amongst all nations despite our differences – something that will live on long after his death.

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Shimon Peres Body Measurements

Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Eye color: No Data
Hair color: No Data
Hair style: No Data
Waist size: No Data
Hips: No Data
Feet size: No Data
Have tattoo: No Data
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