Paul Burrell Net Worth - Wiki, Age, Weight and Height, Relationships, Family, and More

Paul Burrell
Full name: Paul Burrell
Birthday: June 06, 1958
Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Zodiac Sign:
Net Worth: $500 Thousand

Paul Burrell is the beloved British butler who captured hearts around the world with his candid insight and flawless grace. For over three decades, he served as a royal servant to Queen Elizabeth II and was at her side during some of the most trying times in recent history.

But there's much more to this man than meets the eye – from his humble beginnings to becoming one of Britain’s most recognizable figures, reading Paul Burrell’s biography will make your heart swell with admiration. With never-before-seen insight into his life and work inside Buckingham Palace, get ready for an inspiring story about a man who touched millions through a phenomenal life journey!

Paul Burrell photo

Where Is Paul Burrell From and Where Was Paul Burrell Born

Paul Burrell is from Grassmoor, England and was born on June 6, 1958. On the day he was born into a world of humble beginnings in his small village nestled away in the Derbyshire countryside, little did anyone know just what lies ahead for the future butler to Princess Diana.

Now retired after a lifetime of dedicated service to the Royal Family and many other high-profile clientele, life has been far from plain sailing for Paul. Nullifying any preconceived stigma of glamour or fame being unobtainable for those born into lower classes, the 65-year-old's rise to notoriety serves as an inspiration - proving that anything is possible with determination and hard work!

How Old is Paul Burrell? Paul Burrell Age and Birthday Info

Paul Burrell is 64 years old. On June 6, 1958, he was born in Grassmoor, England to a humble family.

He immediately started making his mark by being an outstanding student and eventually becoming Great Britain’s most well-known butler—even serving for Princess Diana during her time in Kensington Palace. Nowadays, the 64-year-old is celebrating 65 years of life on June 6, 2023 with many achievements under his belt.

From being awarded an MBE from Queen Elizabeth II to working as a Correspondent for NBC’s Today Show and writing eleven books about royal households— including ‘A Royal Duty’—Burrell has forever ingrained himself within history with his work ethic and dedication to duty.

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What is Paul Burrell’s Zodiac Sign

Paul Burrell is a Gemini, born on June 6th, 1958. Geminis are naturally charming and quick-witted with an active mind; qualities that make them excellent at socializing and the ideal pick for a career as a Butler.

Being able to read situations and people quickly is essential in this type of job, which Paul excels at. He also understands the importance of discretion; Gemini’s have an eye for detail and can be trusted to keep secrets without fail.

As his long career in service goes to show, Paul knows how to impress with his style, professionalism and grace under pressure – all classic Gemini attributes. Furthermore, their versatility means they understand their employer's needs - whether it’s throwing together an impromptu dinner party or planning a grand event - giving them the reputation of being some of the most trusted Butlers around.

Paul Burrell Net Worth and Earnings

Paul Burrell's net worth is estimated to be $500 thousand as of May 23, 2023. As the former butler to Princess Diana and a commentator on royal life for many years, Paul Burrell has built an impressive career as one of the world's most sought-after insiders on matters relating to European royalty.

Despite his relatively youthful age of 64, he continues to captivate audiences from around the globe with his commanding knowledge of regal protocol. His incredible work ethic and dedication are proven in his charity initiatives and appearances on various television programs - from which he earns sizable revenue even today!

As one of the few servants who truly moved up within British monarchy circles during this era, there is no doubt that Mr. Burrell will continue to maintain his successful lifestyle for years to come.

Paul Burrell Nationality and Ethnicity

Paul Burrell is British by nationality and ethnicity. Paul's British roots have played a large role in his success in the profession of butler-ship, with his strong work ethic and dedication to perfection embodying many of the values espoused by traditional members of the aristocracy.

His understanding of good etiquette has been key, allowing him to escort royals through many bizarre royal occasions with grace; unknowingly forming an integral part of their lives. His impressive ability to manage any given situation enabled him to become one of Britain's most sought after household staff.

Undoubtedly his hardwork, loyalty and commitment have made an indelible mark on the history books as one of Britain’s greatest stewards - a feat that would be difficult without his distinct background.

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Paul Burrell Body Measurements

Height: No Data
Weight: No Data
Eye color: No Data
Hair color: No Data
Hair style: No Data
Waist size: No Data
Hips: No Data
Feet size: No Data
Have tattoo: No Data
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